God Eater Вики
God Eater Вики

Замечание: Возможно, после публикации вам придётся очистить кэш своего браузера, чтобы увидеть изменения.

  • Firefox / Safari: Удерживая клавишу Shift, нажмите на панели инструментов Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5 или Ctrl+R (⌘+R на Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Нажмите Ctrl+Shift+R (⌘+Shift+R на Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Удерживая Ctrl, нажмите Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5
  • Opera: Нажмите Ctrl+F5.
 *                Tabber Related                *
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 *               Header Related                 *
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 *              Profile Related                 *
.UserProfileMasthead .masthead-info {
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 *               Tabber Related                 *
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 *          Text and Headline Related           *
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 *                Chat Related                  *
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background-position: center;

 *                Misc & Etc.                   *
.Characterfront img:hover {
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  opacity: .8;

 *  Custom tables for guns, blades, and shields *
 *  Replace any changes in Common.css.          *
table.equipment {
   border-collapse: collapse;
   border-spacing: 0px;
   width: 100%;

table.equipment th {
   background-color: #325074;
   border: 1px #a6a6a6 solid;
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   text-align: center;

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table.equipment tr:hover {
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table.equipment td {
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   color: #3a3a3a;
   text-align: center;
   width: 75px;

table.equipment td + td {
   width: auto;

table.equipment td + td + td + td + td {
   font-weight: bold;

table.gun td + td + td + td + td +td {
   width: 41px;

table.blade td + td + td + td + td +td {
   width: 41px;

table.longblade td + td + td + td + td +td {
   width: 85px;

table.shield td + td + td + td + td +td {
   width: 33px;

table.gun td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff5a5a;
   width: 33px;

table.blade td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff5a5a;
   width: 33px;

table.longblade td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff5a5a;
   width: 33px;

table.shield td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff5a5a;

table.gun td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #00a0a0;

table.blade td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #00a0a0;

table.longblade td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #00a0a0;

table.shield td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #00a0a0;

table.gun td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #bebe00;

table.blade td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #bebe00;

table.longblade td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #bebe00;

table.shield td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #bebe00;

table.gun td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff6eff;

table.blade td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff6eff;

table.longblade td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff6eff;

table.shield td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td + td +td {
   color: #ff6eff;