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This page requires images of the Blood Arts, check this thread before adding any images.

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Jersey Shen Baxter
BladeIcon1 Short Blade BladeIcon2 Long Blade BladeIcon3 Buster Blade
McHammer Britney VariantScythe
BladeIcon4 Boost Hammer BladeIcon5 Charge Spear BladeIcon6 Variant Scythe
Blo Od a Rts

PSP GE Square Button / PSP GE Triangle Button Attacks 1[]

Demon Slug (Demon Swing)=

Demon Slug / デモンスラッグ

Recovers stamina upon successful hits on ground. The recovery varies on ranks.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] デモンスラッグ 1: Use Pledge of Pursuit (Strength): Required Damage +30%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

[ II ] デモンスラッグ 1: Use [ I ] デモンスラッグ Pledge of Pursuit (Strength): Required Damage +30%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

[ III ] デモンスラッグ 1: Use [ II ] デモンスラッグ Pledge of Pursuit (Strength): Required Damage +30%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

Elsie's Burden: Lowered Stamina

Blood Rage Damage Increased by 50%

[ IV ] デモンスラッグ 1: Use[ III ]



Perform 3x in a Mission: Crit

Pledge of Pursuit (Strength): Required Damage +30%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

Angel Beat=

Angel Beat [エンジェルビート]

Recovers stamina upon successful hits on ground, and recovers more OP. Normally one hit recovers 5 OP, Angel Beat III recovers 8, IV recovers 10.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] エンジェルビート 1: Use
[ II ] エンジェルビート 1: Use [ I ] エンジェルビート
[ III ] エンジェルビート 1: Use [ II ] エンジェルビート Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 Attacks

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

Elsie's Burden: Lowered Stamina

Blood Rage Damage Increased by 50%

[ IV ] エンジェルビート 1: Use [ III ] エンジェルビート Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 Attacks

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

PSP GE Square Button / PSP GE Triangle Button Attacks 2[]

Dragon Pulse=

Dragon Pulse / 龍脈起こし

Create Pillar after 3rd square attack.  Dragon Pulse II and above create more pillar and increased damage pillar.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 龍脈起こし 1: Use Pledge of Pursuit (Absolute): Required Damage +50%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 50%

[ II ] 龍脈起こし 1: Use [ I ] 龍脈起こし Pledge of Pursuit (Absolute): Required Damage +50%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 50%

[ III ] 龍脈起こし 1: Use [ II ] 龍脈起こし Pledge of Pursuit (Absolute): Required Damage +50%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 50%

[ IV ] 龍脈起こし 1: Use [ III ] 龍脈起こし Pledge of Pursuit (Absolute): Required Damage +50%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 50%

Final Art-Hurricane Exterminator=

Final Art-Hurricane Exterminator / 奥義・竜巻殺法

Change the 3rd square attack to a spinning attack. The spinning attack is infinite and get faster to the peak after a couple of spins. Tap PSP GE Square Button button to keep spinning. Then you can deliver the finishing blow with PSP GE Triangle Button button. The finishing blow gets more powerful for every increasing speed of spinning attack. Beware, IF YOU DON'T HIT THE ENEMY AT THE FINISHING BLOW, YOUR HP WILL DROP TO 0 (YOU DIE). But the spinning attack can be canceled by not tapping the square button. This is not recommended for newbies as you might miss it.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ IV ] 奥義・竜巻殺法 0: Max [ III ] 龍脈起こし

1: Use [ IV ] 龍脈起こし

Divine Jaw Crusher=

Divine Jaw Crusher / 神顎砕

Change the 3rd triangle attack to upward charging swing. Does more damage when leveled up.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 神顎砕 1: Use
[ II ] 神顎砕 1: Use [ I ] 神顎砕
[ III ] 神顎砕 1: Use [ II ] 神顎砕
[ IV ] 神顎砕 1: Use [ III ] 神顎砕

Step Attacks[]

Accel Smash=

Accel Smash / アクセルスマッシュ

Extends range and damage of your step attacks. PSP GE Square Button step attacks have further range, PSP GE Triangle Button have faster execution (useful for travelling the field). Accel Smash II and above has superarmor against some attacks.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] アクセルスマッシュ 1: Use
[ II ] アクセルスマッシュ 1: Use [ I ] アクセルスマッシュ
[ III ] アクセルスマッシュ 1: Use [ II ] アクセルスマッシュ
[ IV ] アクセルスマッシュ 1: Use [ III ] アクセルスマッシュ

Air PSP GE Square Button / PSP GE Triangle Button Attacks[]

Spinning Top=

Spinning Top / 連砕独楽

Increases no. of hits done in air. 4 hits at rank 4.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 連砕独楽 1: Use
[ II ] 連砕独楽 1: Use [ I ] 連砕独楽
[ III ] 連砕独楽 1: Use [ II ] 連砕独楽
[ IV ] 連砕独楽 1: Use [ III ] 連砕独楽

Gaia Pressure=

Gaia Pressure / ガイアプレッシャー

Creates earth spires upon using Air triangle, Gaia pressure II, III, IV has increase number of spires foward. Spires cancel some Aragami oracle projectile.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ガイアプレッシャー 1: Use
[ II ] ガイアプレッシャー 1: Use [ I ] ガイアプレッシャー
[ III ] ガイアプレッシャー 1: Use [ II ] ガイアプレッシャー
[ IV ] ガイアプレッシャー 1: Use [ III ] ガイアプレッシャー

Boost Actions[]

Blaze Heart=

Blaze Heart / ブレイズハート

Increased attack for all Boost actions from the first level, Stamina reduction for all Boost actions from Blaze Heart III onwards.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ブレイズハート 1: Use
[ II ] ブレイズハート 1: Use [ I ] ブレイズハート
[ III ] ブレイズハート 1: Use [ II ] ブレイズハート
[ IV ] ブレイズハート 1: Use [ III ] ブレイズハート

Iron Heart=

Iron Heart / アイアンハート

Grants super-armor against attacks during all Boost attack actions, slight increase in attack power. Grants even stronger superarmor from Iron Heart III onwards. you still can get hit with slight time between attack.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] アイアンハート 1: Use
[ II ] アイアンハート 1: Use [ I ] アイアンハート
[ III ] アイアンハート 1: Use [ II ] アイアンハート
[ IV ] アイアンハート 1: Use [ III ] アイアンハート

Boost Rush[]

(Press PSP GE Square Button during Boost)


Tenderizer / テンダライザー

Increases attack speed and damage of Boost Rush.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] テンダライザー 1: Use Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 Attacks

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

[ II ] テンダライザー 1: Use [ I ] テンダライザー Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 Attacks

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

[ III ] テンダライザー 1: Use [ II ] テンダライザー Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 Attacks

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

Pledge of Pursuit (Absolute): Required Damage +50%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 50%

[ IV ] テンダライザー 1: Use [ III ] テンダライザー Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 Attacks

Blood Rage Damage increased by 30%

Pledge of Pursuit (Absolute): Required Damage +50%

Blood Rage Damage increased by 50%

Fatal Flail=

Fatal Flail / 絶命乱れ打ち

Increases damage and critical hit damage when making critical hits.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 絶命乱れ打ち 1: Use
[ II ] 絶命乱れ打ち 1: Use [ I ] 絶命乱れ打ち
[ III ] 絶命乱れ打ち 1: Use [ II ] 絶命乱れ打ち
[ IV ] 絶命乱れ打ち 1: Use [ III ] 絶命乱れ打ち

Boost rush 2[]

Turbulent Hope=

Turbulent Hope / 光明乱れ打ち[]

Increases Boost Rush's power when attacking with the Aragami's elemental weakness. As the level of this Blood Art rises, so too does the increase in damage. (GE2RB only)
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 光明乱れ打ち 1: Use
[ II ] 光明乱れ打ち 1: Use [ I ] 光明乱れ打ち
[ III ] 光明乱れ打ち 1: Use [ II ] 光明乱れ打ち
[ IV ] 光明乱れ打ち 1: Use [ III ] 光明乱れ打ち

Bad Juggler=

Bad Juggler / バッドジャグラー

Fires orbs of energy forward with each swing of Boost Rush. The orbs emerge at an upwards angle and arc forwards. With each level, damage as well as number of orbs increase. (GE2RB only)
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] バッドジャグラー 1: Use
[ II ] バッドジャグラー 1: Use [ I ] バッドジャグラー
[ III ] バッドジャグラー 1: Use [ II ] バッドジャグラー
[ IV ] バッドジャグラー 1: Use [ III ] バッドジャグラー

Boost Drive[]

(Press PSP GE Triangle Button during Boost)

Hard Chaser=

Hard Chaser / ハードチェイサー

Grants super-armor and damage against some attacks.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ハードチェイサー 1: Use
[ II ] ハードチェイサー 1: Use [ I ] ハードチェイサー
[ III ] ハードチェイサー 1: Use [ II ] ハードチェイサー
[ IV ] ハードチェイサー 1: Use [ III ] ハードチェイサー


Pinwheel / ネズミハナビ

Rescues stamina consumption, reduces dash distance , increases damage. Good for adjusting placement for Boost Rush. Pinwheel III further reduces stamina consumption. Dashing action is much faster, allowing you to use this as good source of damage.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ネズミハナビ 1: Use
[ II ] ネズミハナビ 1: Use [ I ] ネズミハナビ
[ III ] ネズミハナビ 1: Use [ II ] ネズミハナビ
[ IV ] ネズミハナビ 1: Use [ III ] ネズミハナビ

Stork Comet=

Stork Comet / ストークコメット

Modifies Boost Drive into a dashing attack similar to Drive Twister (Long Blade's PSP GE Triangle Button Blood Art). The user dashes forward, not attacking unless the path of the Boost Drive meets an enemy. Upon contact, a spinning attack will be executed. This spinning attack can be chained infinitely as long as stamina remains. Does increased damage on critical hits. (GE2RB only)
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ストークコメット 1: Use
[ II ] ストークコメット 1: Use [ I ] ストークコメット
[ III ] ストークコメット 1: Use [ II ] ストークコメット
[ IV ] ストークコメット 1: Use [ III ] ストークコメット

Boost Impact[]

(Press PSP GE R Button+PSP GE Square Button during Boost)

Final Blow=

Final Blow / 終ノ一撃

Power up the attack with considerable amount. Final Blow III ignores a part of the target's defense.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 終ノ一撃 1: Use
[ II ] 終ノ一撃 1: Use [ I ] 終ノ一撃
[ III ] 終ノ一撃 1: Use [ II ] 終ノ一撃
[ IV ] 終ノ一撃 1: Use [ III ] 終ノ一撃

God Killer=

God Killer / 神殺

Boost Impact consumes the whole stamina (even boosted by Skills) but it works well with Selfless State and Calm Breather. You can still step away once after the smash before you become out of breath. If you have Link Support Device that reduce stamina usage, Stamina M and L, and two of the named skills above, you still have stamina left for other actions.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ IV ] 神殺 0: Max [ III ] 終ノ一撃

1: Use [ IV ] 終ノ一撃


Prominence / プロミネンス

Change into an upward swing, allowing ease of hitting parts like legs and claws. Does more damage upon critical hits. Prominence III increases base attack power.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] プロミネンス 1: Use
[ II ] プロミネンス 1: Use [ I ] プロミネンス
[ III ] プロミネンス 1: Use [ II ] プロミネンス
[ IV ] プロミネンス 1: Use [ III ] プロミネンス

Double Impact=

Double Impact / ダブルインパクト

Changes the standard Boost Impact to a two-hit spinning attack. Consumes a high amount of stamina, but in exchange the attack power is greatly boosted. (GE2RB only)
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ダブルインパクト 1: Use
[ II ] ダブルインパクト 1: Use [ I ] ダブルインパクト
[ III ] ダブルインパクト 1: Use [ II ] ダブルインパクト
[ IV ] ダブルインパクト 1: Use [ III ] ダブルインパクト

Boost Hammer Blood Arts demonstration[]


PSP God Eater 2 Blood Arts (Boost Hammer)-0

Thank you Kaizeth for uploading the video!
