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Jersey Shen Baxter
BladeIcon1 Short Blade BladeIcon2 Long Blade BladeIcon3 Buster Blade
McHammer Britney VariantScythe
BladeIcon4 Boost Hammer BladeIcon5 Charge Spear BladeIcon6 Variant Scythe
Blo Od a Rts

PSP GE Square Button Attack[]

Hurricane Type A / 暴風圏・甲

Turns Square Attack into an infinite combo that consumes stamina. Attacking angle can be adjusted slightly by using the PSP GE Analog. Can be cancelled into a devour. Can be chained in from Charge Slide or Air PSP GE Triangle Button. If Hurricane Type A & B III is unlocked, pressing PSP GE Triangle Button will become its finishing move (a forward stab). Hurricane Type-A IV appears to ignore a part of the target's defence.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 暴風圏・甲
[ II ] 暴風圏・甲
[ III ] 暴風圏・甲
[ IV ] 暴風圏・甲

Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 attacks

Determination: Slightly lowered HP

Effect: Fully restore HP

Hurricane Type B / 暴風圏・乙

It's the same as Type B but this one recovers more OP.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 暴風圏・乙
[ II ] 暴風圏・乙
[ III ] 暴風圏・乙
[ IV ] 暴風圏・乙

Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 attacks

Pledge of Pursuit (Truth): Required damage: +40%

Crescent Arch / クレセントアーチ

This Blood Art was added in GE2RB. Fires off a crescent blade that flies in an arc with different vertical angle for each attacks.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] クレセントアーチ
[ II ] クレセントアーチ
[ III ] クレセントアーチ
[ IV ] クレセントアーチ

Flurry of Strikes (Strong): Hit with 30 attacks

Determination: Slightly lowered HP

Effect: Fully restore HP


PSP GE Triangle Button Attack 1[]

Gatling Spike / ガトリングスパイク

Adds Oracle spears to triangle attacks.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ガトリングスパイク
[ II ] ガトリングスパイク
[ III ] ガトリングスパイク
[ IV ] ガトリングスパイク

Pledge of Pursuit (Strength): Required damage: +30%

Flurry of Strikes (True): Hit with 50 attacks


Pain Stinger / ペインスティンガー

Increases damage on critical hits. A small yellow circle will appear when there's an increase in damage.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ペインスティンガー
[ II ] ペインスティンガー
[ III ] ペインスティンガー
[ IV ] ペインスティンガー

Pledge of Pursuit (Truth): Required damage: +40%

Sharp Spirit: Critical Limit

Argo Stinger / アルゴスティンガー

This Blood Art was added in GE2RB. It's the same as Pain Stinger but instead of increasing damage of critical hits, this one increase damage if your blade have elemental stats.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] アルゴスティンガー
[ II ] アルゴスティンガー
[ III ] アルゴスティンガー
[ IV ] アルゴスティンガー

Pledge of Pursuit (Truth): Required damage: +40%

Flurry of Strikes: Hit with 20 attacks

PSP GE Triangle Button Attack 2[]

Testament of the Remanent Rays / 残光のテスタメント

4th hit creates a sphere that travels from the core of your God Arc to the tip of the spear. If the sphere hits, a red explosion happens after a few moment. This Blood Art makes you do a slow back hop.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 残光のテスタメント
[ II ] 残光のテスタメント
[ III ] 残光のテスタメント
[ IV ] 残光のテスタメント

Piercing Blur Briar/ 穿ツ蒼ノ荊

This is a Black Blood Art.. Dealing more hits and damage. Can only be used if in Burst level 3.

The Burst restriction is lowered in GE2RB to only required level 1 Burst.

Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ IV ] 穿ツ蒼ノ荊 Damage required +50% Lowered HP

Gale Stab-Teleportation / 疾風突き・縮地

4th hit becomes a quick forward lunge, roughly 2 Step lengths. It also give a superarmor during the lunge.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 疾風突き・縮地
[ II ] 疾風突き・縮地
[ III ] 疾風突き・縮地
[ IV ] 疾風突き・縮地

Champion's Strike: Deal 2500 damage with one attack

Determination: Slightly lowered HP

Effect: Fully restore HP

Aerial PSP GE Square Button Attack[]

Sky Fissure / スカイフィッシュ

First attack becomes a forward sweeping attack, then continues the standard air □ attack while in the air. Sky Fissure III and above will deploy a weak barrier which deflect incoming oracle (ranged) attacks. In GE2RB, the player can press PSP GE R ButtonPSP GE Square Button to twirl backward and continue the Blood Art again, allowing infinite air attack.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] スカイフィッシュ
[ II ] スカイフィッシュ
[ III ] スカイフィッシュ
[ IV ] スカイフィッシュ

Dragon Tooth / ドラゴントゥース

Shoots out oracle blades. Fires out more blades and has longer range (longer than short range bullets) the higher the level of this Blood Art. Blades on hit does not recover OP as they are oracle blades. Can be used again upon double jump. Equipping Double Jump (空中ジャンプ), or being in Burst Mode allows effective usage of this skill. Blades fires off exactly at your height.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ドラゴントゥース
[ II ] ドラゴントゥース
[ III ] ドラゴントゥース
[ IV ] ドラゴントゥース

Mockingbird Flight: Hit with 20 mid-air attacks

Elmer's Steps: Slightly lowered stamina

Float Cyclone フロートサイクロン

Air □ attack becomes a sweeping attack, which hits multiple times (3 times on II, 4 on III, 5 hits on level IV). This attack makes you stay in the air for a long time, be careful not to get hit.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] フロートサイクロン
[ II ] フロートサイクロン
[ III ] フロートサイクロン
[ IV ] フロートサイクロン

Aerial PSP GE Triangle Button Attack[]

Hail Down / ヘイルダウン

Creates oracle spears while doing the standard downward rush. Creates 2 spears on II, 3 spears on III. The summoning also does damage.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ヘイルダウン
[ II ] ヘイルダウン
[ III ] ヘイルダウン
[ IV ] ヘイルダウン

Sky Fall / スカイフォール

Dives directly downwards and does area of effect damage upon contact with the ground (1 hit). The spear downthrust ignore part defence, but the AoE (Area of Effect) circle doesn't. Increasing level of this Art increases AoE.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] スカイフォール
[ II ] スカイフォール
[ III ] スカイフォール
[ IV ] スカイフォール

Charge Glide 1[]

Crimson Glide / クリムゾングライド

Creates a red aura while dashing. Hits multiple times on Crimson Glide III and above. Useful against long/large enemies.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] クリムゾングライド
[ II ] クリムゾングライド
[ III ] クリムゾングライド
[ IV ] クリムゾングライド

Pledge of Pursuit (Truth): Required damage: +40%

Wings of Poluwat: Make 20 spear mode hits

Evolution / エヴォリューション

This is a Black Blood Art. Slowly increases dashing speed, and does extra damage based on how fast one was dashing before. Movement speed is slightly slowly during the charging, making it difficult to aim at fast moving Aragami. However this does huge damage, making it easy to break parts or down enemies. This Blood Art does 3 damage; first initial activation, mid glide and the end of the glide.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ IV ] エヴォリューション

Straight: Deal 11,111 damage with one attack

Fatal Action: Lowered HP

Effect: Fully restore HP

Dolphin Glide / ドルフィングライド

Upon hitting with Charge Glide, does a back somersault to put some distance between target and you. A small explosion will occur on the part which you did the initial hit. Normal air actions can be done during the somersault, so if going for a rushdown feel free to chain it into Air PSP GE Triangle Button.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] ドルフィングライド
[ II ] ドルフィングライド
[ III ] ドルフィングライド
[ IV ] ドルフィングライド

Flurry of Strikes: Hit with 20 attacks

Wings of Poluwat: Make 20 spear mode hits

Charge Glide 2[]

Charge Driver / チャージドライバー

Alters ground Charge Glide into a single forward stab that does 3 hits. Damage is amplified on critical hits. Unlike the regular Charge Glide, the stab does not generate any noise. Can be chained into the second part of a combo for increased damage with the sharpened edge.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] チャージドライバー
[ II ] チャージドライバー
[ III ] チャージドライバー
[ IV ] チャージドライバー

Pledge of Pursuit (Absolute): Required damage: +50%

Wings of Poluwat: Make 20 spear mode hits

Comet Collision / 彗星衝

This Blood Art was added in GE2RB. Air Charge Glide change. If the glide hits an enemy, press PSP GE Square Button to do a special, multiple attacks. The combo is finished with a lunge that pass through the enemy.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] 彗星衝
[ II ] 彗星衝
[ III ] 彗星衝
[ IV ] 彗星衝

Ray Driver / レイドライバー

This Blood Art was added in GE2RB and it was a "Forbidden One.Similar to Charge Driver but this one fires a slow cone-like aura. The aura move relatively 65-70 degrees.
Name (JPN) Unlock Rate Up Pledge 1 Pledge 2
[ I ] レイドライバー
[ II ] レイドライバー
[ III ] レイドライバー
[ IV ] レイドライバー

Pledge of Pursuit (Truth): Required damage: +40%

Determination: Slighty lowered HP

Effect: Fully restore HP

Charge Spear Blood Arts demonstration[]


GE2RB チャージスピア ブラッドアーツ

See Also[]

More on Pledges (Vows) and other skills
