God Eater Wiki
God Eater Wiki

Emil is a recent God Eater recruit under Kota Fujiki's Unit 1 along with Erina der Vogelweid. He hails from a elite family like Erina. Erina has been shown get into one-sided straightman arguments with Emil having no realized result due to Emil's personality.


Emil sees things in a honorable and knightly manner. He holds no animosity towards anyone and treats battles against Aragami with knightly pride. He lacks general manner of common socialization and as a result is viewed as an ignorant idiot. It would be safe to describe interaction with him as a "boke" while everyone else are "tsukkomi".

Additional Information

  • He addresses his God Arc by the nickname of  Por??.
  •  (New-Type/Blast/Boost Hammer/2nd generation)
  • He uses a Boost Rush Blood Art.
  • He will use traps when his respective Character Episode is complete. 
  • He was once "rivals" with Eric der Vogelweid at school and treates Erina as a sister in respect of this former rivalry.
  • Humorously, many selectable actions involving Emil are to reject his conversations or to punch him. Conversations in his Character Episodes have much humor elements with the protagonist being able to retort at Emil's irregular behavior.
  • Emil is introduced in God Eater 2.