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God Eater Wiki

Kate Lawry is an adult Girl from Glasglow Branch, She cares to her teammates very much and she has a very positive attitude being expressed to them.


Kate Lawry is Gilbert McLane's Superior, She is also Haruomi's lover back in Glasglow Branch, When Kate, Haruomi, and Gilbert was in a mission, Haruomi was alone in a destroyed building killing Ogretails ,later Kate contacted Haruomi that they encountered a Red Caligula, When Kate tries to block the Caligula's Attack, Her Shield collapse making Kate's God Arc Damaged, This also made Kate to began transforming into an Aragami, This made Gilbert worried to Kate and Gilbert Charges to the Aragami using his God Arc and the Aragami evaded Gilbert's attack, When the Aragami Started to attack Gilbert, Kate Uses her destroyed God Arc and shoots the Red Caligula to attract it to her, When using her Blade Form, she had a close combat with the Aragami making the Red Caligula's Right Arm Blade Destroyed, When Kate jumps and tries to Stab the Red Caligula's Back, She stabbed it But the Red Caligula grabbed Her and Throw her Away from Her God Arc that was stuck on the Caligula's Back, The Caligula runs away along with Kate's God Arc stuck on it's back, When the Time Kate was transforming into an Aragami, Kate said to Gilbert to kill her to stop herself becoming an Aragami, at First Gilbert Tries to Resist Kate's choice but then,After thinking what would happen, Gilbert Grabs his God Arc, and now ready to kill her at that time, Kate's Last words is to protect Haruomi and the other people and she smiled to Gilbert for thanking him what he had done to her. Gilbert fully grab his God Arc and Killed Her in that time, Gilbert was later called as "Flagging Gil" by Haruomi for bad rumor.



Kate wears a reddish-brown glasses, had a Brownish hair color, and a pale-white skin and a bluish eye color.

Character Relationships

See Also
