God Eater Wiki
God Eater Wiki
Item Prefix: Simian
Origin: Far East Eurasia
Breakable Parts: Face, Torso & Tail
Attribute: None
Weak Point: Face, Tail
Elemental Weakness: Spark
Elemental Resistance: {{{resistance}}}
HeadingBRelated Species

An Aragami built like a giant ape-man. Characterized by its agility and brutal attacks. It will assemble a herd to launch an attack. First appeared in the Far East, Eurasian continent. It'll fire vacuum waves from the pipe-shaped organs on its back. When enraged, it boosts its speed and attack power. Should several Kongous activate simultaneously, it's best to be cautious.

HeadingBBattle Information
Blade Attacking Tips:
  • Pierce/Short Blades: Using melee pierce attacks are the easiest way to kill a Kongou. Attacking the torso or arms will dish out above average damage while hitting the face and lower extremities (Legs and Butt area) will result to critical hits.
  • Sunder/Long Blades: Using melee sunder attacks against a Kongou will yield average results. Your primary target parts are the tail and the face.
  • Crush/Buster Blades: Kongous go down easily when crush melee attacks are used. Hitting the arms will be your best option; this is your primary target when equipped with a Buster Blade other than the face.
  • Elemental: Adding spark to your weapon attacks will definitely increase your damage output against Kongous as all of its body parts have low defense against it. Blaze attacks also do the same but to a lesser degree as compared to spark.
  • When melee attacking a Kongou, it's best to attack from the sides or the back as most of its quick attacks (right hook and rolling attack) are performed upfront. Only position yourself in front when it is downed, staggering, inflicted with hold or during its long back swing animation from certain attacks.
Gun Attacking Tips:
  • Whatever type of bullet you are using, both are effective against a Kongou's torso and mask. Aim for the torso as it's a much easier target.
  • Elemental: Spark elemental bullets will be your best friend against a Kongou as all of his parts are weak against it. Blaze elemental bullets are also effective but to a lesser degree as compared to spark.
  • The Kongou's torso, face and feet are weak against its own Aragami bullets. Fire its own Aragami bullets using a gun with a high crush attribute to maximize damage.
Status Resistances:
Condition Resistance Duration
Hold Standard Normal
Poison Standard Normal
Bind Standard Normal
Enraged Effects:
  • Rage Indicator: Heavy breathing (White) can be seen.
  • When Kongous are enraged, they tend to be more aggressive and are faster than usual. Their attack power will also slightly increase.
  • Their movement speed, turning speed (to face the player) and attacking speed will notably increase and they will also have shorter back swing animation for their attacks.
  • They will also tend to use their rolling attack and right hook more often so be on guard and stay away from its front.
Unbounding Tips:
  • Face: A Kongou's face is very fragile (especially to crush) and can be easily unbound with any kind of attack but it is difficult to target and may require some practice before you can easily break it using a blade. The easiest way to break it is by using spark or blaze elemental shot, laser and radial type bullets. Aim for its face when it's downed.
  • Torso: This can be easily unbound with any kind of attack but the quickest way to do it is to use spark or blaze elemental bullets regardless of what bullet type you use (shot, laser, bomb or radial).
  • Tail: Using a Long or Buster Blade with a high sunder attack is the best way to unbound the tail. As long as your weapon has a sunder attribute, the tail can be unbound although it might take longer than the first method mentioned above.
Other Useful Tips:
  • Weak Points: You can inflict Down on a Kongou by continuously attacking the following parts:
    • Both Arms and/or Legs using melee pierce attacks (Short Blades).
    • Both Arms using melee crush attacks (Buster Blades).
    • Both Legs using any type of bullet with the spark/blaze elements.
  • Kongous are easily staggered when its torso or face is shot with spark elemental bullets regardless of what bullet type you use.
  • There is an opening for a devour attack whenever a Kongou is charging for its spin attack or lunging swipe.
  • When a Kongou has taken significant damage, they will run away to restore their HP. Follow them and launch a devour attack when they are idle.
  • Kongous have poor vision but have very acute hearing. If you swing or switch your weapon, or have the noisy skill equipped, you will alert them to your presence.
  • Kongous tend to work together with other Aragami. When they hear battle noises from another area, they will immediately lend their assistance.
  • Kongous tend to target players that are fighting other Aragami besides them.
HeadingBAdditional Information
  • Possibly named after Shoumen Kongou, a Rakshasa of Hindu mythology.
  • The Aragami Bullets of the Kongou are treated as non-elemental.
HeadingBAragami Bullets
Name Attributes Description
Air Blow Crush Shoots a vacuum of wind as a projectile. Can inflict Bind.
Air Bomb Crush Shoots a gravity-affected vacuum of wind that sticks on impact and bursts after a short time.
Air Slug Crush Shoots a short-ranged spread of wind projectiles.
HeadingBDefense Attributes
The numbers below represent the percentage estimate of the Aragami's defense (From 1% to 100%) for the specified attributes. The higher the value, the weaker your attack will be.

Part Gun Blade Elemental
Crush Pierce Sunder Crush Pierce Blaze Freeze Spark Divine
Torso (Unbound) 25 30 80 70 40 40 90 20 90
Face (Unbound) 10 60 55 10 40 30 90 20 90
Tail (Unbound) 90 90 5 90 90 40 90 30 90
Both Arms 80 80 80 35 40 60 90 30 90
Both Feet 25 25 90 80 30 60 90 30 90

Part Gun Blade Elemental
Crush Pierce Sunder Crush Pierce Blaze Freeze Spark Divine
Torso (Unbound) 25 30 80 70 (10) 40 90 20 90
Face (Unbound) 10 (10) 55 10 40 (20) 90 (10) 90
Tail (Unbound) 90 90 5 90 90 40 90 30 90
Both Arms 80 80 80 35 40 60 90 30 90
Both Feet 25 25 90 80 30 60 90 30 90

HeadingBAragami Materials

Pic Name Devour Rates per Difficulty
2 3 4 5 6 7 CH
Rock Simian Bone 21.7% 22.1% - - - - -
Rock Simian Armament 21.7% 22.1% - - - - -
Skin Simian Trunk 21.7% 20.4% - - - - -
Skin Simian Tail 21.7% 22.1% - - - - -
Rock Simian Larynx 13.0% 13.3% 14.7% 15.6% 22.7% - -
Rock Simian Femur - - 34.3% 29.2% 27.3% 40.0% 41.2%
Rock Simian Power Armor - - 24.5% 26.0% 22.7% 39.0% 36.1%
Skin Simian Great Tail - - 19.6% 20.8% - - -
Skin Simian Power Tail - - - - 19.1% - -
Beaker Simian Redstone - - 6.9% 8.3% 8.2% 6.0% 7.2%
Rock Simian Pharynx - - - - - 15.0% 15.5%

Part Pic Name Bonus Rates per Difficulty
2 3 4 5 6 7 CH
Torso Rock Simian Armament 50.0% 50.0% - - - - -
Skin Simian Trunk 50.0% 50.0% 10.8% 10.0% 10.0% - -
Rock Simian Armor + - - 53.8% 50.0% 50.0% - -
Skin Simian Drum - - 26.9% 30.0% 30.0% - -
Beaker Simian Redstone - - 8.6% 10.0% 10.0% 6.0% 20.0%
Rock Simian Femur - - - - - 50.0% 38.0%
Rock Simian Power Armor - - - - - 44.0% 42.0%
Face Rock Simian Fragment 100.0% 100.0% 15.0% 40.0% 10.0% 92.0% 77.8%
Rock Simian Bone - - 77.0% 50.0% 82.0% - -
Beaker Simian Redstone - - 8.0% 10.0% 8.0% 8.0% 22.2%
Tail Rock Simian Larynx 50.0% 50.0% - - - - -
Skin Simian Tail 50.0% 50.0% 15.0% 40.0% 10.0% - -
Skin Simian Great Tail - - 50.0% 10.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0%
Rock Simian Fragment - - 35.0% - 40.0% - -
Rock Simian Femur - - - 50.0% - - -
Rock Simian Power Armor - - - - - 50.0% 50.0%

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HeadingB Gameplay Videos

