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God Eater Wiki

Due to the Predator Style system introduced in God Eater Resurrection, standard Control Units have been removed in favor of single-ability Control Units that can be equipped to individual devour types. Using any given Predator Style activates its equipped Control Unit.

Each Control Unit has a rank, and Control Units of a given rank can only be equipped to Predator Styles of that rank or higher (i.e. you cannot equip a rank 2 Control Unit to a rank 1 Predator Style).

Rank 1[]

  • Blaze Resist + (火耐性+): Increases resistance to Blaze attacks.
  • Freeze Resist + (氷耐性+): Increases resistance to Freeze attacks.
  • Spark Resist + (雷耐性+): Increases resistance to Spark attacks.
  • Divine Resist + (神耐性+): Increases resistance to Divine attacks.
  • Oracle Absorption Up (オラクル吸収量↑): Increases OP gained through melee attacks by 30%.
  • Oracle Recovery Up (オラクル自動回復↑): Increases automatic OP restoration by 30%.
  • Enemy Draw Up (敵注目率↑): Increases the rate at which the player draws enemy attention.
  • Debuff Resistance (状態異常耐性): Increases resistance to Venom/Stun/Leak/Jamming/Attack Down/Defense Down.
  • Debuff Up (状態異常付与↑): Increases rate at which status ailments are inflicted via attacks by 50%.
  • Oracle Crusher (オラクル攻撃破壊): Some enemy Oracle attacks can be canceled/blocked with melee attacks.
  • Multi-Devour Burst (複数捕喰時強バースト): When devouring multiple enemies simultaneously, the effects of Burst are strengthened by 50%.
  • Super JGOP Restore (JGOP大回復): Restores 50 OP when successfully performing a Just Guard.
  • Super JGST Restore (JGST大回復): Restore 70 Stamina when successfully performing a Just Guard.
  • Stamina Devour (捕喰時ST回復): Restores 15 Stamina upon devouring.
  • Reinforce (重装甲化): Increases defense by 15% at the cost of 25% increased stamina consumption.

Rank 2[]

  • Power Strike: Melee (一撃強化・近接): The power of the next melee attack is increased by 50%.
  • Power Strike: Bullet (一撃強化・バレット): The power of the next bullet fired is increased by 30%.
  • Ammo Guzzler (捕喰弾撃ち切り強化): Fires off all obtained Aragami bullets at once for a 10% boost in power per additional bullet (ex: having 11 bullets will give a +100% power boost for a total of 200% power).
  • Blaze Resist ++ (火耐性++): Further increases resistance to Blaze attacks.
  • Freeze Resist ++ (氷耐性++): Further increases resistance to Freeze attacks.
  • Spark Resist ++ (雷耐性++): Further increases resistance to Spark attacks.
  • Divine Resist ++ (神耐性++): Further increases resistance to Divine attacks.
  • Quick Charge (溜め時間短縮): Charge time for charged attacks (Charge Crush, Charge Glide, Charge Devour) is lessened by 25%
  • Combo Master (コンボマスター): Increases the power of subsequent hits in a combo, by 5% for each additional successive hit. Caps out at a 20% bonus at the 5th hit.
  • Vs. Attribute Booster (属性補正強化): Increase damage caused by elemental weaknesses by 20%.
  • Ammo Devour Up (捕喰時弾丸入手量増加): Acquires more Aragami bullets when devouring (only works when the Predator Style already acquires at least one bullet).
  • HP Devour (捕喰時体力回復): Restores 15 HP when devouring.
  • Red Mist (狂戦士化): Increases attack by 15%, at the cost of 25% lowered defense.
  • Reinforce + (重装甲化+): Further increases defense by 25%, at the cost of further increased stamina consumption of 40%.
  • Melee Specialist (近接攻撃時化): Increases blade attack power by 15% at the cost of lowered gun strength by 15%.
  • Gun Specialist (銃攻撃時化): Increases gun attack power by 15%, at the cost of lowered melee attack strength by 15%.

Rank 3[]

  • Burst Drain Attack (バースト消費攻撃): Boosts the damage of your melee attacks by 30% in exchange for consuming 5% Burst gauge with each strike.
  • Bodyguard (身代わり盾): Nullifies the next damage received.
  • Vs. Weak Point Booster (弱点命中時威力強化): Increases damage when hitting weak spots by 10%.
  • Burst Saver (バースト消費抑制): Decreases the cost of actions that consume Burst gauge by 10% and slightly increases Burst duration by 10%.
  • Automatic Recovery (体力自動回復): Health automatically restores by 1 per second on level 1 Burst. Unlike the skill variant, this CU does NOT scale with Burst level.
  • Melee Attack HP Absorb (近接攻撃体力吸収): Absorbs 2 HP on hit with melee attacks.
  • Multi-Step (連続ステップ): Allows the user to step continuously at the cost of 5% of the Burst gauge per step.
  • Burst Shift Devour (捕喰時味方バースト化): Grants all allies Level 1 Burst upon devouring, or refills their existing Burst gauge.
  • Ally Attack Boost (味方攻撃力上昇): For 45 seconds upon devouring, ally attack power is strengthened by 15%.
  • Ally Defense Boost (味方防御力上昇): For 45 seconds upon devouring, ally defensive power is strengthened by 15%.
  • Transfer Shot Recovery (受け渡し弾回復付与): Heals ally HP by 15 when passing Aragami bullets.
  • Red Mist+ (狂戦士化+): Greatly increases attack by 25%, at the cost of greatly lowered defense by 40%