God Eater Wiki
God Eater Wiki

Summary of upcoming v1.20 update.

  • "Operator's Story". A additional story that focus on the Operators in Far East Branch.
  • More "Survival Mission".
  • Orochi is possibly free to fight for everyone (need confirmation).
  • Secret Aragami~
  • An evovled form of starting gears you get in GEB (CS, BH, Shotgun and VS have their's too!).
  • NPCs can use other type of equipments (Blades, Gun and Shield).
  • Jukebossu!!
  • 1 more special custome (Gekota~).

That's all.

Here's the blog post, http://godeater.jp/update_free/. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't check it.
