God Eater Wiki
God Eater Wiki

I'm gonna start ranting about stuff in here. Just because I want to.

1st. This country is shit. The government waste over 200 million pesos (that's the local currency) per day on self-aggrandizing publicity, and only spends 80 thousands in schools in this city. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, this country is so screwed up, I have hopes of getting the hell out of here when I grow up and study.

2nd. I don't like the "going out at night" in my country. Essentially, you go out to places where 14-year-old dudes are smoking and getting drunk, to get drunk. And the fun is actually getting drunk, not socializing. The next morning, the headache you have is epic, to say the least.

3rd. I love my family, but sometimes they are so bothering. Like now, my grandfather has just been idle for an hour, but I (that just came from swimming) have to go to buy the stuff he could have bought 100 times in a row with all the time he spent around, doing nothing. And yeah, he can move pretty well on his own.

4th. The planet. Ah, where to begin? Let's just leave it in two facts: one, we are polluting the atmosfere at a neck-breaking pace. Two, 200 species of wildlife pass to oblivion every day.

More ranting to come.
